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Animal Farm Destek Yayınları

Animal Farm

"All animals are created equal, but some animals are more equal than others." Overworking, mistreated and exploited animals start a revolution. They take control of the Manor’s farm with their motivating slogans. The farm animals request progress, justice, and equality. The struggle is real, the animals aim to achieve a completely democratic society based on the belief that "All Animals are Created Equal". Ironically, sooner than expected, the totalitarian rule is once again reestablished due to some animals’ mere nature. The book reflects events going back to the 1917 Russian Revolution and the Stalinist era of the Soviet Union. Since its publication, the work is named one of the greatest books of the 20th century, if not of all times. George Orwell’s classic satire perfectly illustrates ...

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What Is Man Genç Destek Yayınları

What Is Man

"What is Man" consist of series of dialogues between an elderly with a strong sense of humour and a young impatient man. Throughout the book, the author compares humans to machines. He argues that man has no impulse other than the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain. The book is a great starter for those who are seeking to understand why many of us have lost the meaning of life. This work questions how our personal values and the environment surrounding us shape our identity. Although written in 1906, today the dialogues still shed light on how people can take actions with their own free will.

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No Encounter Is By Chance Destek Yayınları

No Encounter Is By Chance

Fate does not give up on people. We are the decision-makers, the ones who shape our own fate. As one looks back, they may notice experiences where they do things they thought they would never do, put up with things they said they would never tolerate, or even fall in love with someone they thought they would never love. We might have been in situations where we thought we could not leave, but instead were able to walk away from; we might have days we felt like dying but still lived through. With every challenge overcome, we come closer to understanding our inner self. * * * A sufi went on a seven-day long journey with a young girl in order to help her find her life purpose. They did not bring anything but their faith in God with them. In this journey, they met amazing encounters and extrao...

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Vertraue Ohne Zweifel Auf Allah-2 Destek Yayınları

Vertraue Ohne Zweifel Auf Allah-2

WAS DIR ALLAH GIBT, HÄNGT VON DEINER ABSICHT AB Allah hat den Schlüssel aller Schätze in Deine Hand gelegt. Du kannst deren Türe mit Deinem Gebet öffnen, wann immer Du willst. Wenn Du möchtest, kannst Du die Türen des Himmels öffnen und die lebenschenkende Regenfälle auf die Erde herunterlassen. Nur nicht gleich die Hoffnung aufgeben, wenn Du siehst, dass Deine Wünsche nicht sofort in Erfüllung gehen. Allah hält die Lösung schon bereit, bevor das Problem entsteht. Manchmal entfernt das Leben all Deine Träume von Dir... Das bedeutet, dass Allah (cc) Deine Stimme hören wollte. Unverzüglich machst Du Dein Herz und Deine Hände auf und suchst Zuflucht in Halik (dem Schöpfer), Der Dich aus dem Nichts erschaffen hat. Was für ein schönes Treffen… Es ist der Moment, in dem das Herz die wahre Liebe ...

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Vertraue Ohne Zweıfel Auf Allah Destek Yayınları

Vertraue Ohne Zweıfel Auf Allah

ALLAH weiß über alles Bescheid. Glaubt ja nicht, dass Er unachtsam dessen ist, was ihr an Ungerechtigkeit zu verspüren bekommt. Denn ALLAH ist zu seinen Geschöpfen barmherziger, als eine Mutter zu ihrem Kind. Ohne die Gegenleistung deines Gebetes zu verfolgen: Vertraue Ihm all deine Sorgen und Angelegenheiten an und hinterfrage Seinen Willen und Seine Entscheidungen nicht! Denn ein Diener kontrolliert seinen Schöpfer nicht! Und gewiss, zweifelt er auch nicht an Ihm! Du kannst dir sicher sein: Wenn du dich ALLAH mit vollkommener Ergebenheit näherst, kommt Er dir mit Gnade und Segen entgegen. Und genau das, wirst du dann tief in deinem Herzen zu verspüren bekommen. Du hast so viele Menschen in deiner Umgebung, die ihr wahres Ich verstecken und hinter einer Maske leben. Diese "falschen Gesich...

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Be Smart Be Human Destek Yayınları

Be Smart Be Human

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Invasıon Of Love - The Path Destek Yayınları

Invasıon Of Love - The Path

This "Invasion of Love" series, comprised of three books, will create a brand new "invasion movement" in the world. The book you are holding in your hands is the 1st book in this series, and it is your first step… "The Path" "The Path" is a journey of love… That begins with you and ends with you… It is a journey upon which an apprentice sets forth, The breath of a nay player, A lover's heartbeat, A child's smile, A seed reuniting with the soil… It is the roadmap depicting an utterly different world, One that you have dreamt of within the depths of your heart… This is not simply a book imparting knowledge. These pages have been designed to alter your life. Everything in this book has been put together meticulously-from the practical applications to the breathing exercises, from

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Toplam: 31